вторник, 26 апреля 2011 г.

Summer already? A week-by-week movie guide of the season of sequels, superheroes and silly stuff

FAST FIVE (April 29)
Remember whenVin Dieselthought he was too cool for the fast and furious movies that made his name? Whether he's grown up or just faced reality, it looks like he's now in it for the long haul. The story never changes much (big plans, angry enemies, lots of car chases), but directorJustin Linalways inserts new scenery. For the fi fth entry, the boys head toBrazil, where a heist attracts the unwanted attention of fed-
eral agentDwayne (The Rock) Johnson.
Bottom line:Will this franchise ever run out of gas? Maybe not, if the producers are wise enough to keep upgrading with stars like Johnson. E.W.

THOR (May 6)
The fi rst superhero movie out of the gate tells ofMarvel Comics' Norse God of Thunder (Chris Hemsworth), banished to Earth by his angry dad Odin (Anthony Hopkins) and then forced to battle his evil half-brother Loki (Tom Hiddleston).Natalie Port-
man andIdris Elbaco-star.
Bottom line:The pop mythology comes courtesy of directorKenneth Branagh, who isn't that insane a choice when you combine his"Henry V"with his"Frankenstein."If that's some-
thing you really want to do, this may hit you like a hammer. J.N.

There aren't nearly enough smart dramedies for adult urban audiences. Prospects look very promising for the big-screen debut fromSalim Akil("Girlfriends,""The Game").Paula PattonandLaz Alonsoare the bride and groom who just want to make it through the wedding, once their mothers-in-law (Angela BassettandLoretta Devine) start meddling.
Bottom line:When you get a proposal from a cast that also includesMike Epps,Tasha Smith,Meagan GoodandJulie Bowen, you defi nitely say,"I do."E.W.

Chris Hemsworth forges ahead in 'Thor.'

ANew Yorkattorney (Kate Hudson) makes a drunken confession on her 30th birthday: She loves her best friend's fiancé (John Krasinski). Uh-oh, he loves her too, which makes her palGinnifer Goodwinunhappy.
Bottom line:Before"Sex and the City"afi cionados get excited about this chick fl ick, they should note that directorLuke Greenfield previously madeRob Schneider's"The Animal"and the teens-meet-a-porn star lark"The Girl Next Door."Apparently, Greenfi eld got a tour of rom-com duty to pay for his crimes. J.N.

We try to avoid punch lines that write themselves, so we'll just share the facts and allow you to draw your own conclusions.Mel Gibsonstars as a deeply troubled man who has pushed everyone so far that his only means of communication is a ratty animal puppet he hopes will charm us— sorry, them — into forgiveness.
Bottom line:Director Jodie Foster, who co-stars as Gibson's wife, has been working on this project for years. But now it bears a much heavier burden than when they both began. E.W.

Will Ferrellgoes for wry drama again (as he did in the indie"Winter Passing") by playing an alcoholic regrouping after losing his wife and job. First order of business: hold a huge yard sale to make some booze money.
Bottom line:Ferrell does down-and-out well (remember him in"Wedding Crashers"? Ah, that one people saw!), but will he click in a film based on a short story byRaymond Carver? J.N.

Director Roland Joffé ("The Killing Fields") directed this dramatic thriller about an investigative journalist (Dougray Scott) who visitsSpainfor a story and discovers his father (Wes Bentley) was a founder of the secretive organization known asOpus Dei.
Bottom line:"The Da Vinci Code: The Early Years,"kinda? J.N.

A"Hangover"for the ladies? A starring role forKristen Wiig? Yes, please. We're also thrilled that TV'sPaul Feig("Arrested Development,""The Offi ce") is planning this shindig, which looks like a suitably wild ride. Wiig is the eternally single lady who has no idea what she's getting into when newly engagedMaya Rudolphasks her to be maid of honor.
Bottom line:Apologies to Will and Kate, but this is surely the most fun to be had at a wedding this year. And you don't even have to squeeze yourself into taffeta. E.W.


No, this isn't a 3-D remake of the controversial 1995 drama about a gay man of the cloth. It's a postapocalyptic actioner about a warrior padre fi ghting vam-
pires and kicking undead butt.
Bottom line:Paul Bettany— who played a similar role in"Legion"— is the title character. See, werewolves never have to worry about guys like this. J.N.


It wouldn't surprise us ifJoseph Gordon-Levittearned anOscar nominationsomeday. He has the ability to totally transform himself when needed. And it's a good sign that David Michôd, who made last year's impressive thriller"Animal Kingdom,"co-wrote this edgy tale of a boy who befriends Gordon-Levitt's drug-addicted sociopath.
Bottom line:Gordon-Levitt is about to erase any lingering images from"(500) Days of Summer."We're having a harder time buyingNatalie Portmanas a nerdy supermarket cashier. E.W.


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